

编者按】2017年1月17日,Endpoints News 发表了特别报告,《Where the money is, 2016 edition: The top 100 VCs investing in biotech, by the numbers》,即《2016年,钱都去哪儿了?投资生物技术的Top100 VC公司》。欢迎阅读原文,了解详情。

排名 公司
1 Flagship  Pioneering
2 Third  Rock Ventures LLC
3 New  Enterprise Associates, Inc.
4 Arch  Venture Partners LLC
5 Venrock  Inc
6 Deerfield  Management Company LP
7 OrbiMed  Advisors LLC
8 Atlas  Venture Advisors Inc
9 Gurnet  Point Capital LLC
10 5AM  Ventures LLC
11 Celgene  Corp
12 F-Prime  Capital Partners
13 GE  Ventures Inc
14 Canaan  Partners
15 Polaris  Venture Partners
16 Frazier  Management LLC
17 KKR  & Co LP
18 Essex  Woodlands Management Inc
19 Luxin  Venture Capital Group Co Ltd
20 Illuminate  Ventures
21 Google  Ventures
22 Kleiner  Perkins Caufield & Byers LLC
23 Domain  Associates LLC
24 Novartis  Venture Funds
25 Khosla  Ventures LLC
26 Altitude  Funds LLC
27 Fidelity  Investment Funds II
28 Pfizer  Venture Investments
29 Sofinnova  Ventures Inc
30 Amzak  Capital Management LLC
31 Alexandria  Venture Investments
32 Column  Group
33 S.R.  One, Limited
34 Bezos  Expeditions
35 Vivo  Capital LLC
36 MPM  Capital LLC
37 HealthQuest  Capital
38 Aisling  Capital LLC
39 Apple  Tree Partners
40 ORI  Capital
41 Johnson  & Johnson Innovation-JJDC Inc
42 Alaska  Permanent Fund Corp
43 Sofinnova  Partners SAS
44 Novo  A/S
45 Clarus  Ventures LLC
46 Foresite  Capital Management LLC
47 SV  Life Sciences Advisers, LLC
48 Osage  Partners
49 Lundbeckfond  Ventures
50 WuXi  Healthcare Ventures
51 Y  Combinator Inc
52 Boston  Scientific Corp
53 Sutter  Hill Ventures
54 Topspin  Partners LP
55 Arboretum  Ventures Inc
56 RA  Capital Management LLC
57 Rock  Springs Capital Management LP
58 NanoDimension  Management Ltd
59 U.S.  Venture Partners
60 Kraft  Group LLC
61 F  Hoffmann La Roche AG
62 Mayo  Medical Ventures
63 Sectoral  Asset Management Inc
64 Oak  Investment Partners
65 Lightstone  Ventures LP
66 Morgenthaler  Ventures
67 RiverVest  Venture Partners LLC
68 Versant  Venture Management, LLC
69 Mission  Bay Capital LLC
70 Alta  Partners
71 InterWest  Partners LLC
72 Temasek  Holdings (Private) Ltd
73 Merieux  Developpement SAS
74 Salem  Capital Partners, L.P.
75 Lux  Capital
76 HBM  Healthcare Investments AG
77 Xeraya  Capital Sdn Bhd
78 North  Bridge Venture Partners LP
79 Meritech  Capital Partners
80 Trinnovate  Ventures Inc
81 Abingworth  Management Ltd
82 Venbio  Partners LLC
83 Newspring  Capital
84 Partisan  Management Group, Inc.
85 Longitude  Capital Management Co LLC
86 Windham  Venture Partners
87 Shire  Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
88 Merck  Global Health Innovation Fund LLC
89 Heritage  Group LLC
90 Advent  Venture Partners LLP
91 Beijing  Bencao Investment Advisor Co Ltd
92 Gimpo  Ind Invest Fund Mgmt Co
93 Kaiser  Permanente Ventures LLC
94 Biostar  Ventures II LLC
95 Lightspeed  Management Company LLC
96 AbbVie  Biotech Ventures, Inc.
97 Aperture  Venture Partners LLC
98 Paladin  Capital Management LLC
99 Third  Point Ventures LP
100 Partners  Innovation Fund LLC