DTE 探赋教育中心

Palo Alto, Cupertino, Evergreen San Jose, Milpitas, Fremont/Newark


Fall 2020 Classic reading (5-6G)

Classic reading
阅读作品:法国作家安托万·圣埃克苏佩里的《小王子》,这本经典的童话作品,通过飞行员和外星小王子的对话故事,讲述了一个非常深刻的人生话题——人们活着究其一生都在学习如何爱!这是一本不但能带给孩子阅读快乐,更带给孩子爱的教育的书!此书的蓝思阅读分数是710, DRA 阅读评估为60,非常适合5-6年级学生阅读。
上课时间: 8月26日-12月16日,每周三下午5:30-7:30, No class on Thanksgiving week.
老师: Ms.Dora,英美文学硕士,教龄8年,丰富的教学经验,幽默有趣的课堂,深受学生喜爱。
费用:12次课,共$360。Welcome to sign up for classic reading course. Through reading classic works, learn critical reading analysis ability, grasp detailed reading comprehension ability, expand vocabulary, and exercise critical writing ability.
Suitable for students: Grades 5-6
Reading works: “The Little Prince”.It is a novella by French aristocrat, writer, and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The story follows a young prince who visits various planets in space, including Earth and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. Despite its style as a children’s book, The Little Prince makes observations about life and human nature. This book’s Lexile score is 710 and a DRA reading assessment is 60, which is very suitable for students in grades 5-6.
Class schedule: August 26th-December 16th, every Wednesday 5:30-7:30 pm, No class on Thanksgiving week.
Teacher: Ms.Dora, Master of English and American Literature, 8 years of teaching experience, rich teaching experience, humorous and interesting classes, deeply loved by students.
Tuition: 12 lessons, $360.

Email: info@dte.leeyee.us if you want to sign up.